Larkspur Post 313 is part of the American Legion, the nation's largest wartime veterans organization devoted to serving vets, youth and the community.
General Meetings
2nd Monday at 9:00 am (social) and 9:15 am (meeting) in Post Club Room (at the rear of the Hall)
Coffee and Donuts
Monday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 am in the Post Club Room
Post Breakfasts
Second Saturday at 9:00 am
Message from Commander Jackie Tribolet
Welcome to the Twin Cities American Legion Post 313 Website.
Looking at our membership list, I see 128 names and wonder who and where all these members are. Slowly going down the list and connecting with one or two of you every day has been an enlightening experience. Some of you have moved out of the area or have been challenged with health or family issues. Still others were not aware that we gather twice a week in the club room and expressed an interest in joining us. We hope to get to know those of you who can come in. Aside from that, the atmosphere is friendly, relaxed and interesting because of the great guys who show up! The more people we have involved with the post, the more we may be able to reach out to those members who could use our support.
We welcome any interested vets to our Monday and Thursday 8:30 AM gatherings in the club room. We offer coffee and conversation and a chance to meet other vets and find out what’s going on in our community.
The second Saturday of each month, which will fall on November 9 and December 14, is the Post 313 famous $5 breakfast! Not just economical, but cooked by our own talented chefs. We strongly suggest reservations as space is limited! Email
Mark your calendars for our musical events held in the Legion Hall on the second Monday of each month. The dates coming up are November 11 and December 9. Ragtime reigns from 5:30-7:30 followed by the Zenith Jazz Band from 7:30-9:00 PM. These professional musicians entertain us for free but we suggest generous tipping to cover their travel costs. Bring your own drinks and snacks and let’s party.
Have you heard of Veterans’ Treatment Court? Read more about it in this newsletter. It is held the first Tuesday of the month at 3:00 PM sharp in Courtroom M at the Marin Civic Center. The court welcomes vets who come to support those who have successfully complete the requirements to graduate from the program. Wear something to represent your post or branch of service if you wish.
The American Legion thrives on its members, so please consider joining the post. We’re saving a seat for you!
Marin County Veterans Treatment Court
Marin County Veterans Treatment Court was established in 2021 as an alternative to the traditional criminal court process for veterans. The concept of veteran’s court is to give specialized care and consideration to those who served their county in uniform.
The Marin County VTC is a voluntary 12 to 18-month program that includes regular court appearances before the judge and the VTC Team. Justice-involved veterans are referred to the program as an alternative to the traditional criminal court process. Treatment may include drug and alcohol treatment, medical and mental health treatment, and regular attendance of recovery support/self-help meetings. Participants are provided referrals for housing support, vocational training, education, and/or job placement services as well.
Once all requirements of VTC have been met, participants will graduate from VTC and will have achieved the goal of remaining substance-free and essentially starting their lives over again. Upon graduation from VTC, all participants are encouraged to remain connected to the program. Opportunities to stay involved with the Veteran Mentor program allow the participants to give back to future VTC participants. Their knowledge and experience are invaluable to the continued success and support of the Marin County VTC community.
Graduates are recognized on the first Tuesday of the month at 3:00 PM (sharp) in courtroom M.